Servicing Western Canada

We have a group of operators like no other, they all work well
together, making FreightLand a family company. We can accommodate
weekend and holidays so our drivers can have time to make plans
with their own families for holidays and special occasions.

We have an annual award program for our operators as well.
Achievement, service and safety is recognized by FreightLand Carriers.
The ongoing communication between our operators and us is the key
to our success as employers. With an average 20 lease/operators in
our fleet – more than three quarters have been with us more than
two years.

John Welburn has been with us for 14 years and we are very proud
of that, below are some of the comments he had to offer:

One thing I like about working at Freightland Carriers is there is always something different and challenging everyday.
In the 14 years I have been with them, I cannot say I have ever been bored. With pipe hauling and the oil patch,
you never know what to expect. There is never a dull moment. Wendy is a busy woman, a great boss and a friend.
The calls come in and she does what it takes to juggle the loads and keep her customers happy. Hats off to her,
she has been doing it for over 30 years and she is good at her job. I have hauled lots of yellow-jacket, casing,
shacks, rig mats, equipment of various sorts for the oil patch. Then there are the back hauls, of lumber, IPEX pipe,
coils, garbage bins, steel beams, rebar, soil and other commodities. I run my 2005 Peterbilt with 625 Cat,
pulling Freightland's 53 ft triaxle flatdecks.